LBN Insights

Industry Roundup

Written by Cindy Kerber-Spellman | February 27, 2017 at 2:00 PM

What's the latest local digital marketing buzz?

Google’s changes to reviews can impact your business with a simple tap. Thoughts to ponder about your company’s digital transformation. How LBN is delivering local digital performance for 5,500 auto dealerships. Staying on top of hyperlocal in 2017. Check out this week’s roundup of industry chatter that’s caught our attention.

The Big Picture

Digital Transformation In 7 Brain-Busting Steps

(Ad Age, 2/22/2017)

Digital media expert Shelly Palmer, one of LinkedIn’s Top 10 Voices in Technology, tackles how companies can be successful in their digital transformation.


Google Reduces Star Rating Threshold: Why Businesses Should Take Note

(Search Engine Journal, 2/21/17)

It’s no secret that when it comes to searching for a new business, many people rely on reviews to determine which company to choose. Google has taken consumer reviews one step further by using them to assign businesses a star rating, which customers can quickly and easily glance at to determine the quality of a business.


Hyperlocal Marketing Will Soar in 2017: 5 Tips to Stay On Top

(Search Engine Land; 2/21/17)

As mobile continues to grow, consumers are conducting more searches with hyperlocal intent -- and Google is refining its results in response to this trend. This article dives into how local businesses can optimize for this hyperlocal reality.


Local Digital Marketing & Auto

(LBN Local Insights, 2/24/2017)

Within the world of automotive retail, customers have a choice. LBN helps more than 5,500 dealerships increase ROI and give customers all the reasons to choose them versus the competition.


Why Social Commerce Isn’t Exploding Yet

(Adweek, 2/17/17)

Shoppers and sellers alike are increasingly wondering whether they should jump aboard the social commerce bandwagon and why they’re struggling to figure out just how to do so.


Medical Marketing in a Digital World

(MarketingProfs, 2/24/2017)

Like every other business model out there, the healthcare field, from community clinics to famous national brands, finds itself in flux as it adjusts its marketing to reflect the expectations of an increasingly technologically adept and mobile patient pool.


Common Mobile Monetization Mistakes: How To Choose The Right Ad Format

(Ad Age; 2/22/17)

Sooner or later, most mobile site owners face the problem of monetizing their customers. There are numerous ways to earn money via mobile traffic, but right now we'll talk about publishers that prefer to make all the adjustments by themselves, using automation platforms.


How AI Offers Surprisingly Traditional Results for Local

(StreetFight Mag; 1/2/17)

With the advent of voice search, will we see an inevitable trend toward specific queries with specific answers, and thus the death of the ten blue links of search and all they have represented?


6 Business Types That Reap the Most From Local SEO

(Search Engine Land; 2/20/17)

Does your business serve a local market? Columnist Pratik Dholakiya shares tips for 6 business types that can really benefit from local search engine optimization.